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SPVS Vacation Seminar for Final-year Students 2016

  • Lancaster University Bailrigg LA1 4YW (map)

SPVS Vacation Seminar for Final-year Students 2016

This course is organised by SPVS, and heavily supported by the SPVS Educational Trust, BVA, RCVS and commercial and veterinary companies. It is aimed at students entering their final year and is accepted by all veterinary schools as part of Extra Mural Studies (EMS). It provides information on jobs in the profession, how to apply for them, what to expect and how to succeed in them. It also provides information about support networks for new graduates and insights into business and personal financial management and the importance of communication skills. You will also meet and mix with members of the veterinary profession and associated organisations. More than 90 per cent of new graduates will enter practice, but much of the content is relevant to any career. The programme is kept under critical review in the light of comments from previous years’ delegates.

During the seminar there will be a syndicate exercise, a course dinner, an informal inter-school challenge and other entertainment. On one evening there will be an opportunity to meet personnel from various veterinary societies that are all committed to CPD. While we know that all delegates will benefit from the social side of the seminar there is an obligation to attend the formal sessions (whatever the residual pain of the night before!) There is also an obligation to adopt an acceptable standard of behaviour while guests of Lancaster University.

Numbers are strictly limited to 300 delegates on a first-come, first served-basis, so why not take advantage of the early bird booking price of £99.00!


The seminar fee is £120.00. (£99.00 if booked before January 31st 2016). This includes accommodation (see registration form for day rates). You can register online or by post.

All details are available through the SPVS website which can be found here.