Adele Williams

Adele Williams BVSc. MRCVS DipECEIM PhD

Vet School: Bristol

Year of graduation: 2003

Home region: Chester

What did you aspire to do when you applied for vet school? I thought I wanted to be a mixed practitioner in a rural practice. I certainly had no interest in research or public health.. Things have changed! 

What are you doing now? I'm a specialist horse vet teaching at a uk vet school. My job involves research and teaching, and I am involved in overseas work and veterinary politics. 

What is your favourite thing about being a vet? Helping to improve the lives of animals by improving their health and welfare, which in turn improves the livelihoods of poor families that rely on them in less developed nations.

What is the worst thing about being a vet? Having to deal with the financial side of veterinary work is tough. Eg when the most affordable humane option is euthanasia when you know a cure would be possible if more funds were available, and this is sometimes hand in hand with anger directed at you from owners and is very frustrating. 

What has been the most memorable/interesting experience of your career so far? Working with the charity spana to investigate urinary incontinence in working donkeys in mali, west Africa. I have been able to travel and experience foreign cultures in depth via working as a vet volunteer for various charities.

Do you have any future career goals? I am happy in academia for now, long term I also wish to continue working with charities overseas to provide sustainable international development. 

If you could give one piece of advice to current vet students, what would you give? Pay attention as you're doing EMS... You'll be on your own before you know it, so learn from others while you have the chance! Keep your mind and options open, and go and see the world!
