Will Garton

Will Garton

Vet School: University of Nottingham, England, UK

Year of graduation: 2014

Home region: Nottingham, East Midlands, England

What did you aspire to do when you applied for vet school?

Become a farm animal vet working with cattle and sheep

What are you doing now?

Full time poultry vet working in clinical practice and studying for further qualifications specific to poultry

What is your favourite thing about being a vet?

Having the responsibility of making independent clinical decisions that benefit clients – and the gratitude that clients show you when your decisions work out well

What is the worst thing about being a vet?

Having to admit to yourself that you don’t always know the answer (but it’s great if you know where to find it!)

What has been the most memorable/interesting experience of your career so far?

Publishing my first article in the Veterinary Times on Coccidiosis in Turkeys. I was very proud to have an article published within my first month as an employed vet.

Do you have any future career goals?

  • Further qualifications (certificate, masters or equivalent)
  • Greater understanding of the veterinary and poultry industries
  • More clinical expertise 
  • Experience of global poultry veterinary work 
  • Higher level of management within the practice or institute I work for
  • Recognition within the poultry veterinary industry 

If you could give one piece of advice to current vet students, what would it be?

Use your opportunities and experiences as a student to determine what really interests you so that once you reach the working world you can excel and achieve
