AVS Elections 2025 Now open
Applications are now open for the following roles, if you wish to apply please fill out this form and return to avscommittee@gmail.com
Junior Vice President
3 year executive role (1 year as JVP, 1 year as President, 1 year as SVP) Open to any AVS member in years 1-3 (or years 1-4 if at Cambridge Vet School) Candidates for this role must have been on AVS Committee for one year already. avs.junior.vice.president@gmail.com
Welfare Officer
2 year executive role Open to any AVS member in years 1-3 (or years 1-4 if at Cambridge Vet School) welfarerep@gmail.com
Junior JAVS Editor
2 year non-executive role, moving up to Senior JAVS Editor after 1 year Open to any AVS member in years 1-3 (or years 1-4 if at Cambridge Vet School) junior.javs.editor@gmail.com
Communications Officer
2 year non-executive role (formerly called web editor) Open to any AVS member in years 1-3 (or years 1-4 if at Cambridge Vet School) avswebeditor@gmail.com
AVS Junior Reps at each University elections will run in Spring ‘25 - specific information will be communicated by your AVS Reps or Vet Soc