Write about your research, win prizes, and get published!
Write about your research
In collaboration with the Association of Veterinary Teaching and Research Work (AVTRW) we are launching a campaign to encourage students to communicate their research done at vet school with each other! We know that all vet students are researching away throughout the year, and it would be lovely to hear what you have been up to. We all know that communicating science is a crucial part of a vet's job, whatever sector you might eventually work in, so it's good to get some practice in!
We invite anyone who has carried out a research project of any kind, whether as part of your veterinary degree, intercalated degree or summer internship to write a short, interesting, perhaps even entertaining piece about your research.
The content can either be structured as a lay summary of your project and its main findings. Think in the style of a BBC new science report: start with a headline, and follow this up with your evidence. Some advice can be found here.
Perhaps you don't have any findings… (don't worry, this is very normal for undergrad research). The content can be based around your experience of carrying out research. The highs, the lows, what you learnt about science, or even yourself throughout the process! Perhaps you've got plans to continue the project?
The aim of the game is to write in a concise and engaging way. Try to avoid acronyms or technical language; a student with minimal knowledge of your specific topic should be able to read the summary and understand it completely. The maximum word count is 500, with a maximum of 2 pictures/diagrams.
Pieces will be published in JAVS and on our website and Facebook page. The top 3 pieces will be awarded a £25 amazon voucher, with a possibility of being published in the Vet Record as well. Have a go - don't be shy. We can't wait to see what you've been up to! Email all entries to: javseditor@gmail.com by 13th December.
69th AVTRW Annual Conference