Freshers 2017
A Whistle-stop Tour of AVS
A massive welcome from everyone at the Association of Veterinary Students (AVS) and congratulations for getting into vet school. Whatever university you're at, you will have the best time and AVS will be there for you every step of the way.
AVS represents, supports and engages vet students from across the UK and Ireland and through the International Veterinary Student's Association (IVSA) connects with vet students from across the world.
So how do we do this?
AVS is a student-run committee which consists of an executive committee and university representatives. They are chosen by you and work to represent you. As a division of the BVA, committee members regularly attend national meetings speaking for vet students. Recently AVS attended a meeting at Parliament to discuss Brexit and your opinions.
Each university has a senior and junior representative who act as links between their university and other universities and the executive committee.
You can find out more about us here
We have a dedicated welfare rep, who with the help of the rest of the committee works to ensure that all vet students' well-being is the priority. Our website is an invaluable source of resources from time management to how to cope at vet school. AVS also offers annual grants to help fund a well-being event or initiative for students at your university - so if you have any ideas let us know!
To see the resources click here...
The vet student community is one of the most exciting out of every course. No matter what university you are at, all student's go through similar experiences (such as EMS - where else can you laugh about the biggest, cheesiest abscess you've ever seen?) and this helps make our community one of the most tight-knit. AVS helps to booster this through our website, Facebook and Twitter sites where you can keep up to date with all that's going on in the vet world and what AVS are doing for you. We also publish our journal (JAVS) twice a year with articles from students from every university on subjects from stun slaughter to the best placement recipes and everything in between! So if there's anything that you fancy writing an article, please get in touch with our JAVS editor.
Past copies of JAVS can be accessed here
To keep in touch with us give us a like or follow on:
Whilst AVS' aim is to represent, support and engage vet students from across the UK and Ireland we also throw the best parties. The infamous AVS sports weekend is held every year in the autumn term at a different university and is a great chance to meet students from across the UK and Ireland, whilst letting your hair down and maybe playing a little bit of sport!
AVS also hold an annual congress which not only attracts some of the most inspirational speakers but also is when we have the AVS ball - not to be missed!
So we hope to meet you soon but if there are any questions or anything that you feel we can do please don't hesitate to get in touch with your university reps or on our website!