Vet Futures Ambassador Training Day

The Ambassadors!

The Ambassadors!

At the end of October AVS held its first training day for the new Vet Futures Student Ambassadors. Two students from each vet university were chosen to become ambassadors and attend the day which included training on communication, leadership, presentation and emphasised student-led projects. 

The ambassadors each chose themes to focus on which varied from careers, animal welfare and mental health. The Vet Futures project was created in 2014 to predict the issues that will face the vet profession in the next ten years. 

Eleanor Robertson, AVS president, said: "AVS has been excited about the Vet Futures project from day one and we want to play our part in making it a success. As students, our members are the future of this profession and they should therefore be active in shaping it."

A massive thank you to the BVA and RCVS for hosting the event and the Veterinary Schools Council for their support.  

More information can be found here
