23rd - 25th January 2015
AVS Congress 2015
It has been ten years since Glasgow has hosted Congress, and we are working hard to bring new and exciting experiences to the event’s participants. In the spirit of what Nottingham and Edinburgh have accomplished over the past two years, Glasgow will host a weekend focusing on practical skills and techniques, presented through lectures, tutorials, and practicals.
As well as providing the opportunity to meet new people and learn new techniques, AVS Congress will have a great social scene that will allow participants to experience the highlights of Glasgow.
On Friday night, there will be a pub crawl allowing the new arrivals to see a variety of Glasgow’s night life. On Saturday, a black-tie ball will be held - vet students can be classy too! The ball will give everyone a chance to dress their best, participate in a ceilidh (a truly Scottish treat), and enjoy a three course meal.
Full Congress Programme
The Congress culminates with the AVS annual general meeting. The AGM is an important way of letting members know what we have done over the past 12 months, as well as what the Committee is planning for the upcoming year. It marks the official end of the committee year, encompasses the official presidential handover, and acts as the official opening of the elections for the new committee.
If you feel like you can make a difference for your fellow students, this is your chance. As a member of AVS, you are entitled to vote for the positions available, and even run for them yourself. The AGM offers a chance for all candidates to address the audience and to let their voice be heard. The meeting relies heavily on the support of its members, so if you feel passionate about the AVS and what we do, please come along and make your opinion count. Who knows, you could be the next AVS president!